Monday, January 15, 2007

Stay Positive when Dealing with Discouragement

Do you deal with other people's discouragement in your business?  It seems that people have unrealistic expectations when it comes to marketing on the internet.  Perhaps it is because of the BS and the hype about various get rich quick ventures.  Even when they find a legitimate internet business, people become discouraged when they don't achieve those instant results.  Instant wealth, get rich quick, is a scam!  Developing an internet business is no different than building a brick and mortar business when it comes to the building phase.  It is completely unrealistic to think that you can build a site, or join a network marketing company, and achieve instant sales.  You must be committed.  You must stay committed.  It is a journey, a process.  It is absolutely possible to create wealth via an online business, but it won't happen overnight.  When you make that commitment and see it through - that is when magic starts to happen!

I am completely open and honest with people who are considering joining me in my businesses.  You will NOT get rich overnight.  But, if you are consistent and if you are committed, you will make a lot of money.  You know most people give up just before they were about to make it big.  Some don't wait that long.  The reality is that it is a small percentage of people who will actually stick it out and build a business.  I don't pretend to understand that reality because I am certain that most people WANT to make money.  The only rational explanation I can come up with is that they have unrealistic expectations, so when they don't make the big bucks right away, they think they've been duped and move on.  I find myself getting frustrated when I bring people into my business and they don't "get it".  It frustrates me because I know that I can help them to achieve what they truly desire... if only they could believe in themselves.   The things you need the most are things that no one can teach - belief and worthiness.  You have to believe that you are worthy of success in order to achieve it.

Another reality is that with committment and persistence, just about any program on the internet will produce an income.  That is not to say that all programs on the internet are legitimate.  One must do their due diligence and steer clear of shady opportunities.  There are legitimate programs that I think are a rip off too.  My philosophy is that education should be free.  I know people who have spent thousands on various internet or marketing training programs.  I have spent money myself on training programs - and then I found Veretekk, and discovered that much of the training I paid for was either outdated or just plain ineffective.  Everything you need to know about internet marketing, you can learn through Veretekk for free.  There are other programs out there (who shall remain nameless) that are probably fantastic programs... some that even offer to close your sales for you... again probably fantastic programs, but I now know that anyone can make money online without spending a fortune.

Initially, your investment is in time.  You must spend the time to learn the craft of internet marketing.  Depending on your learning style, past experience, time that you can devote, the time frame will vary.  If you are looking for a program or system that will get you on the fast track, you are making a mistake.  There are no short cuts.  You must devote the time to master the craft.  Don't look at your internet business any differently than any business.  If you were working toward becoming a brain surgeon, you would have no choice but to invest the time to learn the skills.  Would you go to a doctor who found a way to get into practise without first learning his craft?

The REAL SECRET to success in anything - business or personal - is in developing a successful mindset.  YOU are the key to your success.  If you lack commitment, you will not succeed.  If you lack consistent persistence, you will not succeed.  Once you develop yourself, and the mindset, opportunities will present themselves to you.  You will learn to recognize opportunities, and you will have the courage to seize them when they arise.  Creative ideas will flow, and success will become effortless.  To those commited to the journey, I commend you.  To those who desire success that continues to elude them, I urge you to believe in yourself and to believe in your worthiness.  To assist you in developing that mindset, I highly recommend The Secret. 

I am so confident that The Secret is the true secret of life that I will happily reimburse anybody who watches it their $4.95 cost - see for details on this offer.

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