Thursday, February 22, 2007

Open Invitation

Many of my online friends and associates have asked about attending our team meetings, and I'm excited to be able to invite you to our training room for a simulcast call from Natural Health Labs with Q & A after the call. In addition to hearing about the Amigo opportunity, you'll be able to check out our training center - VereConference which I have written about.

These calls take place every Tuesday (Doctor's Call), and Thursday (Corporate Call)

Just log into the training room using your name and the password "guest":

9 PM EST ( New York Time ), 8 PM CST, 7 PM MST or 6 PM PST ( Los Angeles Time )

This will be a simulcast of the Corporate call followed by a live Q&A brought to you by the members of the MIM Amigo Team, and will give you the opportunity to meet some members of our team.
(Discover the Secret)

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Basic Training Boot Camp - Feb 21 - March 2, 2007

We started a new week of Basic training today. This recording goes over how to use the Conference Room, and then a basic walk through the back office - change your password etc. We walked through most of the back office, but didn't touch the Portal Marketing section. We will be dealing with Portal Marketing in Friday's class. Homework for new Veretekkies is to go through their system, click on every button and read the corresponding page.

Wednesday Feb 21, 2007 Tour of your Veretekk Back Office
Friday Feb 23, 2007 Traffic Portals
Monday Feb 26, 2007 Traffic Portal Daisy Chain
Friday March 2, 2007 Trip through My Account,Communication and more

Monday, February 19, 2007

The Art of Manifesting Abundance in Business

Discover the Art and Science of Building a Home Business with Karen Weir

I had the opportunity today to watch The Secret again. I've watched it a few times, and each time it speaks to me in a new way. Today was more of a deeper realization of the original impact, if that makes any sense. I realized that I have fallen back to some old patterns, to some old ways of thinking and my business was not growing as rapidly as a result. We all get into ruts, and The Secret to manifesting Abundance in Business, is to recognize when we are getting into one and IMMEDIATELY change the thought pattern. What I do, is say "STOP!" out loud, to abruptly STOP the destructive or negative thought. I then will state something that I am grateful for. Those statements generate feelings of gratitude which manifests more to be grateful for. I believe this with all my being because I have seen it work in my life.

The MasterKey System and Mentors in Motion training gives us real life application for applying The Secret, and discovering those programs along with my current Amigo Team are among the things that I am most grateful for in my business today. I feel such warmth and gratitude when I think of Jim Gras, the first mentor who saw my potential and showed it to me. What is key here, is that he showed it to me. When I think of what Jim has done for me, it really isn't about teaching me how to market online. Sure he's showed me a few tricks, but in all honesty, what he really did was believe in me. His belief in me made me believe, and as a result I have manifested results. That belief is a far greater gift than all the marketing tips I have learned. I am a different person today because of attracting these incredible people into my life. One of the most important things you can do to manifest abundance in your business is to have a sense of gratitude. I am grateful for my friends and associates on my Amigo Juice Team.

The Power of Gratitude

Gratitude is a very powerful emotion because when we "feel" grateful, we cannot help but feel good. As a child, my parents and grandparents, like most, used guilt and fear as primary methods of discipline. While their intention was good (we all know what the road to hell was paved in right?), it was destructive and led to some residual negative feelings. For example, I was a very picky eater (still am). If I had a dollar for every time I heard about starving children in 3rd world countries, I could feed every one of them!

The intent was to teach me gratitude, and that gratitidue was supposed to make me eat my cabbage. It truly didn't make the cabbage any more attractive to me, but it did make me feel sadness for the starving children who WOULD be grateful for something that I was not only not grateful for, but resentful of! It made me feel like a horrible human being. Sometimes I would gag the food down, but certainly not happily.

Guilt and gratitude do not belong in the same sentence. You cannot teach gratitude. As parents and grand parents we can help our children to recognize and express their gratitude. I think it borders on abusive to burden children with such problems as world hunger. Children should not be taught to be grateful for things they have BECAUSE others do not. True gratitude brings about feelings of joy, not guilt. When we are truly grateful, we feel blissful and blessed. It is difficult to feel blessed for a having a plate full of food with an image of a starving child in our head!

If you are struggling in your business or in your personal life, I urge you to STOP whatever you are thinking. STOP and think about something you have for which you are grateful. It be something very small. In fact, it is the small things, and an appreciation of those small things that accumulate into a life time of memories and joy.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Jonathan did his homework - and handed it in too!

In Wednesday's class, we worked on creating our own Who Is page. This is an important step in branding yourself online. Jonathan created his page and while he still will be working on perfecting it, he handed it in.

Weir#1 Enterprises Announces the opening of their Web Conferencing virtual office

Internet Marketing Mentor - Weir#1 Enterprises Announces the opening of their Web Conferencing virtual office

EDMONTON, Alberta CA (February 15, 2007) Karen Weir, Internet Marketing Mentor, announces the grand opening of her company’s virtual office. Using the Vereconference technology, Weir#1 Enterprises has enhanced their ability to meet the needs of their customers, partners and prospective customers and partners. Vereconference is a web conferencing system that is poised to become the first choice of small and large businesses alike. Weir states that this technology will enable her to create recorded webinar online trainings and presentations to market the various products and services her company offers. The ability to record and host these presentations online enables the business person to offer a virtual infomercial online 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Web conferencing is fast becoming as common as telephone conferencing for network marketers, however until recently, the cost was often prohibitive for small and medium sized business owners.

“This technology completely eliminates the need for high priced hotel presentations or ineffective telephone conferences”, says Keith Weir, partner in Weir#1 Enterprises. “We are able to present our products and opportunities to large groups of people in a live webinar environment, using both visual aides (websites, images, video) and audio. Now, an average network marketing distributor can host a live “hotel” presentation in his or her pyjamas!” said Mr. Weir.

The advantages go deeper than the ability to host a large meeting. Recorded seminars, webinars, conferences, online trainings and presentations can provide long term wide spread exposure. This truly allows the “little guy” to compete with the “big boys” in a way that was not possible in the past. According to Keith Weir, the future is here today, and those who take advantage of the opportunity will reap the benefits.

For details or to try Vereconference for Free, visit

About Weir#1 Enterprises:

Weir#1 Enterprises is a partnership business consisting of husband and wife team, Keith and Karen Weir, distributors of health and wellness products. As internet marketing professionals, Weir#1 Enterprises has partnered with Veretekk and Mentors in Motion to be able to provide the absolute best in mentoring and online marketing instruction.


Virtual Office:
Telephone: 1-888-633-4097

Previous Press

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day - No recording Today

Valentine's Day 2007... for me it's an excuse to eat chocolate... otherwise it's simply a very brilliant commercial scheme LOL.

I was having some major issues today with maintaining my connection in the conference room. As a result, the recording is in 4 pieces, and it is very cumbersome to upload. I will work on it, but it won't be posted today. We went over how to create a Who Is Page using nvu html wysiwyg (What You See Is What You Get) editor. We used nvu simply because many people are somewhat familiar with it, and it's free, however it is not a tool that I am overly familiar with. Like any tool, it requires some playing with to get familiar and understand what it can and cannot do.
The point to this is "just do it". A "Who Is" page is a critical component to branding YOU, Inc on the internet. Once you brand yourself as an internet marketer, you can market whatever you like. It has been said, and it is true, that people join people not products when it comes to network marketing opportunities. Your most critical campaign in your online adventures is the one promoting you.
On Monday, we discussed how to use your traffic portals to brand yourself. Today, we talked about making a page to brand yourself and introduce to your prospects. On Friday we will talk about Traffic Swarm, and how to use it to generate some premium leads. We will go over what we have done so far - we will take a look at our traffic portals and tighten up our configuration, and if time permits we'll have a look at Free FFAs.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Foundation Training Phase 2

Important Lesson this week... Do NOT bang your head against the computer... (or the wall). If you are tired, frustrated or overwhelmed, that is your que to take a break. General Rule of Thumb... when you're not having fun anymore STOP. Take a break, take a walk - eat something (some of us computer addicts forget to eat). Get refreshed and then get some help.

The first recording of our Second Week:
Day 1 - Phase 2 Foundation Training - Use your Portals to Brand Yourself

Day 3 - Traffic Swarm and Free FFA Leads

Friday, February 09, 2007

The Secret - What's it about? 7 minute video

Did you get a chance to watch the Oprah show yesterday? The episode was dedicated to The Secret DVD. The Secret is the Law of Attraction, and it is no secret. It is a universal law as real as the law of gravity. If you haven't seen the movie, and if you have, you may enjoy this little video clip. Very Powerful stuff.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

5 Day Foundation Training

Our Veretekk Training Rooms are limited to 20 seats. The response to this 5 day training has been quite over whelming! Many were left out, and I am getting numerous requests to send the recording through Skype. I actually spent about 1/2 hour today sending the recording to some of those, however I know I missed some, and I really don't want to spend this kind of time sending files... so I will be posting my classes here.

This is all about laying the Foundation with your Veretekk System. It is the basics expanded upon for about 8+ hours. We started with an overview of the Veretekk system; what it is, what it does, and why setting it up right is critical. The majority of the rest of the time is spent in the heart of the system - the Traffic Portals. In my opinion, it is in the heart that the foundation lies. This training does not replace your Basic Silver Communication and your Basic Configuration classes... it is meant to be an enhancement. Repetition is very important - and you'll find that the more training you get, the better your system will serve you as you serve others.
**Please Note: Silver subscribers receive contact information for their Affiliate or Silver sign ups only... you can participate in and earn money from the Affiliate programs of the Profit Portal systems (Leadsomatic and VereConference). Veretekk Affiliate leads are the only leads that you receive all contact information on.

Day 1 Recording - System Overview

Day 2 Recording - Traffic Portals

Day 3 Recording - More Traffic Portal & Linking

Day 4 Recording - Traffic Portal Daisy Chain

Day 4 - Conclusion - (I lost my internet connection!)

Day 5 - Recording - VereTracking... How to track your results

I am eager to receive feedback on this 5 day session so that it can be improved upon. It is my most sincere desire to give you what you need to help you get your system up and functioning. In my quest to learn and grow, I need your help. Please let me know what worked well for you, what would work better, and any ideas you have to improve the quality of the content. If you are not comfortable posting your feedback, send me an email to, or skype me. My skype ID is kweirs.... be sure to identify yourself as a Veretekkie if you wish to be added to my skype contact list.