Tuesday, February 06, 2007

5 Day Foundation Training

Our Veretekk Training Rooms are limited to 20 seats. The response to this 5 day training has been quite over whelming! Many were left out, and I am getting numerous requests to send the recording through Skype. I actually spent about 1/2 hour today sending the recording to some of those, however I know I missed some, and I really don't want to spend this kind of time sending files... so I will be posting my classes here.

This is all about laying the Foundation with your Veretekk System. It is the basics expanded upon for about 8+ hours. We started with an overview of the Veretekk system; what it is, what it does, and why setting it up right is critical. The majority of the rest of the time is spent in the heart of the system - the Traffic Portals. In my opinion, it is in the heart that the foundation lies. This training does not replace your Basic Silver Communication and your Basic Configuration classes... it is meant to be an enhancement. Repetition is very important - and you'll find that the more training you get, the better your system will serve you as you serve others.
**Please Note: Silver subscribers receive contact information for their Affiliate or Silver sign ups only... you can participate in and earn money from the Affiliate programs of the Profit Portal systems (Leadsomatic and VereConference). Veretekk Affiliate leads are the only leads that you receive all contact information on.

Day 1 Recording - System Overview

Day 2 Recording - Traffic Portals

Day 3 Recording - More Traffic Portal & Linking

Day 4 Recording - Traffic Portal Daisy Chain

Day 4 - Conclusion - (I lost my internet connection!)

Day 5 - Recording - VereTracking... How to track your results

I am eager to receive feedback on this 5 day session so that it can be improved upon. It is my most sincere desire to give you what you need to help you get your system up and functioning. In my quest to learn and grow, I need your help. Please let me know what worked well for you, what would work better, and any ideas you have to improve the quality of the content. If you are not comfortable posting your feedback, send me an email to veretekkie@gmail.com, or skype me. My skype ID is kweirs.... be sure to identify yourself as a Veretekkie if you wish to be added to my skype contact list.

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